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What if I told you something 
So wonderfully comforting
A great miracle so sparkling
One that will NEVER be boring 

My words may be underrating
This man; a complete blessing 
Yes, it's about a human being

His love way beyond any logic
So great beyond any statistic
A man who makes easy any topic
His spit was a cure to what's toxic

Peace and Blessings upon him
Swadiqul Ameen they called him
From the noble clan of Banu Hashim
Clinging to his teachings is my dream

Before being revealed the word Iqra
He loved being in the cave Hira
Isolated seing only fauna and flora
Then the miraculous journey of Isra

He lived a life of complete fascination 
The epitome of positive inspiration 
With a final masterpiece revelation 
The last Messenger of creation

The most humble man all patient
Had companions who never lament
Followed his requests never to relent
He prayed to Allah to allow us to repent

I cannot describe him any further
For the very fear of being unfair
To a legend of legends
Know this Man
Know this Messenger 

Rasoolullah Muhammad
Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him
A Mercy To All Nations


  1. MashAllah you are an amazing poet
    I love poems but am not a poet.
    Glad finally you are using your gift in a more pleasing way. I love this blog than the previous one


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