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Many of us struggle for our career
Am not an exception to be sincere
Let me drop my concern right here
And tell you about all that I fear

I fear meeting my only Lord, ALLAH
With deeds that direct to Hells road
After all the true warnings I ignored
Before doors of repentance closed

I fear the dark desire of flesh and skin
I fear my level of ignorance in deen
Altering what life is supposed to mean
I fear for my future generations and kin

Marry to control the desire of skin
For that leads to unspeakable sin
And may deny one a view so serene
Jannah; Allah bless us with it Ameen

For deen one needs a lot of courage
If I want to raise kids of knowledge
Islam revolves as the best college
I must understand it at any age

The true meaning of life then
Is not the career you entertain
Or money to the power of ten
But know and worship the Creator

Summing up to my greatest fear
Is dying with no Kalima whatsoever 
The testimony of a true Believer
I fear being in Jahannam forever


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